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Life Flour Mill, Limited


354, New Ogorode Road, Sapele, Delta State

Phone Number:

234 803 962 0194

Email Address:

[email protected]

Year Opened


Packages Offered

Wheat Flour and Semolina

Seaboard Overseas and Trading Group

Company History

  • Life Flour was incorporated on March 25, 1971.
  • Robert I. Fleming was the first Managing Director, and the late Alfred Rewane was the first Board Chairman of Life Flour Mill Limited.
  • Life Flour Mill is situated on a twenty-three-acre leased land with a riverfront of just over 1000 feet, making it the only flour mill in Nigeria with its own private jetty.
  • Taylor Woodrow (Nigeria) Limited and Henry Simon Limited completed the work of erecting and equipping the mill, and on April 1, 1973, the first bags of LIFE FLOUR were produced.
  • Due to the high demand for Life Flour, a second mill known as ‘B’ Mill was erected in 1977 and began production in mid-1978, bringing the total production capacity from 200 to 400 tons. However, due to the obsolete nature of the B-mill, an ultra-modern mill was built and commissioned by Buhler in March 2011, bringing the combined daily production capacity to 650 metric tons.
  • Life Flour Mill is one of the largest employers of labor in its location in Sapele, Delta State, and has, over the years, contributed significantly to the economic development of Nigeria and Sapele in particular.
  • The late Alfred Rewane, as chairman of the Life Flour Mill Board, was instrumental in the formation of the Flour Millers Association of Nigeria (FMAN).
  • Some of the company’s social responsibilities to its community include annual awards of scholarships to indigent primary and secondary school students of the community, development of the community golf club and sponsorship of an annual golf tournament, provision of free water and electricity to the village behind the factory, and providing logistics support to the local government and security agencies for the maintenance of peace and security within the community.
  • Life Flour is blessed with a well-engaged and dedicated workforce.

Purpose, Mission, Vision and Values

Purpose: Nourishing Nigerian households.

Mission: To provide superior wheat products and services to customers in Nigeria, while delivering value to employees, the community, and other stakeholders.

Vision: To be a world-class producer of grain-based foods.

Core Values – “COCPIT”

  • Creativity
  • Ownership
  • Continual Improvement
  • Personal Development
  • Integrity
  • Teamwork