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Les Grands Moulins de Pointe-Noire (GMPN)


10, Rue Massabi, Immeuble Socotrans Au 1er Etage, Face de La Station Puma, Entree du Port

Phone Number:

+242 05 204 95 03 / +242 06 561 15 53

Year Opened


Packages Offered

Flour, Bran, and Animal Feed

Seaboard Overseas and Trading Group

Company Overview

Les Grands Moulins de Pointe-Noire, Société Anonyme (S.A) under Congolese law RCCM: 10-B-1329. Founded on August 4, 2000, and an affiliate of the Seaboard Overseas group. Shareholding/composition of capital by Seaboard Overseas Ltd is up to 3,200,000,000 FCFA.

Corporate Purpose

  • Operation of flour mills
  • Import of wheat and export of flour and bran
  • Production of flour and animal feed
  • Training and supervision of bakers


  • Flour, bran, and animal feed

Company History

  • August 4, 2000: Signing of the deed of sale of MAB’s industrial assets. Refurbishment of port facilities (silos, warehouses, and mill).
  • December 4, 2000: MINOCO flour begins to be sold on the Pointe-Noire market.
  • July 2001: MINOCO flour marketed in Nkayi.
  • September 11, 2001: MINOCO flour marketed in Dolisie.
  • January 2002: Opening of the Brazzaville branch and marketing of flour in the capital.
  • March 17, 2004: Launch and marketing of MINOCO flour for all customers.
  • May 1, 2004: Production capacity increased from 250T/day to 400T/day.
  • March 2009: Start of flour fortification with iron and folic acid.
  • January 18, 2018: Signature of an establishment agreement with the government for new investments.
  • May 2019: Production capacity increased from 400T/day to 700T/day.
  • November 2021: MINOCO becomes “Les Grands Moulins de Pointe-Noire” (GMPN).

Mission, Vision, and Values

  • Mission: Cover the entire country with high-quality products. Ensure greater food security for the country in terms of flour, with a food security stock of three months.
  • Vision: Develop the practical skills of bakers and guarantee a regular supply of animal feed to national farms.
  • Values: Support and train livestock breeders. Combat infant mortality by fortifying flour with iron and folic acid.