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Since January we have started Comprehensive Waste Management with the help of the company GADERE (VEOLIA) , as part of our Corporate Social Responsibility program .

To date, we have managed to collect more than 150 tons of recyclable waste . And we keep working!

The intention of this program is to mitigate the impact on the environment by reducing the carbon footprint in the plant .

With this management we aim to recycle 300 thousand tons , distributed in organic and inorganic waste through a continuous process of recycling plastic, cardboard, wood, multipurpose, lint, corn, scrap metal, bags, tubs, etc.

Also, as final disposal, we want to recycle 3 MT of hazardous special waste .

Some benefits of this activity are:

  • Reduce the environmental impact and the carbon footprint.
  • Raise productivity.
  • Develop social and environmental responsibility.
  • Discarded product destruction security.
  • By-product transformation.

We invite all employees, suppliers and customers to contribute to this recycling process, separating waste such as paper, cardboard, plastic bottles, etc .

Together let’s take care of our planet!

Click here for article source from Mochasa.